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Bloody Dawn Page 22

  21. Ibid., May 14, 1863.

  22. Ibid.

  23. Ibid., May 21, 1863.

  24. Ibid., June 25, 1863; Connelley, Kansas, 2:657–58.

  25. Andreas, History of Kansas, 2:321.

  26. Ibid.

  27. Lawrence Journal, July 2, 1863.

  28. Ibid., June 25, 1863.

  29. Ibid., July 30, 1863.

  30. Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 1:92.

  31. Lawrence Journal, Aug. 6, 1863.

  32. Ibid.; Andreas, Kansas, 1:321.

  33. Lawrence Journal, Aug. 6, 1863.

  34. Douglas County Scrapbook, LKSHS, 4:18.

  35. Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 1:91–92; Leavenworth Daily Times, Sept. 6, 1863.

  36. Lawrence Journal, Aug. 13, 1863.

  37. Andreas, Kansas, 1:321; OR, 22, 1:579.

  38. Andreas, Kansas, 1:321.

  39. Connelley, Quantrill, 324.

  5. The Fairest City

  1. OR, 22, 1:590.

  2. G. W. Brown, Reminiscences of Gov R. J. Walker (Rockford, Ill.: G. W. Brown, 1902), 19.

  3. Lawrence Journal, Apr. 16, 1863.

  4. Ibid., May 9, 1861; H. D. Fisher, The Gun and the Gospel (Chicago: Kenwood, 1896), 156–57, 167–70, 185–86.

  5. Andreas, Kansas, 1:323.

  6. Connelley, Quantrill, 337–40.

  7. Lawrence Journal, June 25, 1863.

  8. Peter D. Ridenour, Autobiography of Peter D. Ridenour (Kansas City, Mo., 1908), 144–47, 183; James Horton, “Peter D. Ridenour and Harlow W. Baker, Two Pioneer Kansas Merchants,” KHC 10 (1907–8): 601–2.

  9. Martha B. Caldwell, “The Eldridge House,” KHQ 9, no. 4 (1940): 362–63; (Topeka) Kansas State Record, Aug. 26, 1863; Douglas County Scrapbook, LKSHS, 3:161; “Sallie Young and Quantrell,” by Alex E. Case, Learned Scrapbook, Kansas Collections, Spencer Library, University of Kansas, Lawrence, vol. 4 (1863).

  10. DAB, s.v. “Robinson, Charles”; Letter, A. A. Lawrence to Chas. Robinson, Jan. 31, 1856, Papers of Charles and Sara T. D. Robinson, 1834–1911, LKSHS.

  11. Robinson, Kansas, 123.

  12. Ibid., 325–26.

  13. DAB, s.v. “Robinson, Charles.”

  14. Letter, Charles to Sara Robinson, June 17, 1861, Robinson Papers, LKSHS.

  15. Oskaloosa Independent, June 5, 1861.

  16. OR, 3:468–69.

  17. Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Sept. 3, 23, 1863.

  18. Lawrence Republican, June 5, 1862.

  19. Castel, Frontier State, 21.

  20. Alice Nichols, Bleeding Kansas (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1954), 42.

  21. Jay Monaghan, Civil War on the Western Border, 1854–1865 (Boston: Little, Brown, 1955), 31.

  22. Edgar Langsdorf, “Jim Lane and the Frontier Guard,” KHQ 9 (Feb. 1940): 22–23.

  23. OR, 3:455, 490.

  24. Lawrence Republican, Oct. 3, 1861; OR, 3:196; Castel, Frontier State, 54; Leavenworth Daily Times, Nov. 12, 1863.

  25. Henry E. Palmer, “The Black Flag Character of the War on the Border,” KHC 9 (1905–6): 457; Lawrence Republican, Oct. 3, 1861; Atchison Freedom’s Champion, Nov. 23, 1861; Albert Castel, “Kansas Jayhawking Raids into Western Missouri in 1861,” MHR 54, no. 1 (Oct. 1959): 4·

  26. Leavenworth Daily Times, Nov. 16, 1861.

  27. Lawrence Republican, Jan. 9, 1862.

  28. Lawrence Journal, Oct. 17, 1861.

  29. Leavenworth Daily Times, Oct. 9, 1861.

  30. Cordley, Lawrence, 190–91.

  31. OR, 22, 1:585–86, 589–90.

  6. Vengeance in My Heart

  1. Connelley, Quantrill, 324–25; OR, 22, 1:583; Andreas, Kansas, 1:321; Kansas Scrapbook, LKSHS, 9:79.

  2. Olathe Mirror, Dec. 19, 1861.

  3. Lawrence Journal, July 31, 1862.

  4. Blair, Johnson County, 196–98; Lawrence Republican, Sept. 11, 1862; Lawrence Journal, Sept. 11, 1862.

  5. OR, 13:803.

  6. Connelley, Quantrill, 200.

  7. Ibid., 227–28, 230–31, 234; Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Mar. 13, 22,

  8. Lawrence Republican, Mar. 13, 1862.

  9. Liberty (Mo.) Tribune, March 21, 1862; Brownlee, Gray Ghosts, 64; Kansas City Daily Journal, Mar. 18, 23, 1862; Birdsall, Jackson County, 472.

  10. Connelley, Quantrill, 241–43; Joyce Farlow and Louise Barry, eds., “Vincent B. Osborne’s Civil War Experiences,” KHQ 20, no. 2 (May 1952): 127–28.

  11. Albert Castel, William Clarke Quantrill: His Life and Times (New York: Frederick Fell, 1962), 77–80.

  12. Ibid., 82–83.

  13. Kansas City Daily Journal, July 13, 14, 1862; Barnes, “An Editor Looks,” 124.

  14. Leavenworth Daily Times, June 28, 1862.

  15. Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Aug. 2, 5, 1862.

  16. Castel, Quantrill, 88–92.

  17. Brownlee, Gray Ghosts, 99.

  18. Leavenworth Daily Times, Aug. 19, 26, 1862.

  19. Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Aug. 23, 1862.

  20. Blair, Johnson County, 164–65; Connelley, Quantrill, 275; Olathe Mirror, Oct, 25, 1862.

  21. Castel, Quantrill, 100.

  22. Leavenworth Daily Times, Sept. 18, 1862.

  23. Lawrence Journal, Sept. 11, 1862.

  24. Wyandotte Commercial Gazette, Sept. 13, 1862; Connelley, Quantrill, 282.

  25. Atchison Freedom’s Champion, May 30, 1863.

  26. Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 24, 1863.

  27. Garwood, Crossroads of America, 50–51.

  28. Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Aug. 14, 1863.

  29. George Miller, Missouri’s Memorable Decade, 1860–1870 (Columbia, Mo: E. W. Stephens, 1898), 76.

  30. Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 1:186.

  31. Connelley, Quantrill, 62, 64–66.

  32. Castel, Quantrill, 26.

  33. Connelley, Quantrill, 77–82.

  34. Ibid., 89–91, 95.

  35. Ibid., 114—15.

  36. Henry Earle Riggs, Our Pioneer Ancestors (Ann Arbor, Mich., 1942), 204; Kansas Scrapbook, LKSHS, “L,” 5:131.

  37. Connelley, Quantrill, 154–59; John J. Lutz, “Quantrill and the Morgan Walker Tragedy,” KHC 8 (1903–4): 324–26.

  38. “The Lawrence Raid,” William H. Gregg Manuscript, LKSHS, 3.

  39. Connelley, Quantrill, 331.

  40. Ibid., 328.

  41. Andreas, Kansas, 1:321.

  42. Connelley, Quantrill, 94–95, 101–2, 125.

  7. Death in My Hand

  1. H. E. Lowman, Narrative of the Lawrence Massacre (Lawrence: State Journal, 1864), 49.

  2. Andreas, Kansas, 1:321–22.

  3. Lowman, Narrative, 49.

  4. Russell E. Bidlack, ed., “Erastus D. Ladd’s Description of the Lawrence Massacre,” KHQ 29, no. 2 (Summer 1963): 116.

  5. Andreas, Kansas, 1:322.

  6. Lowman, Narrative, 49–50.

  7. Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 2:199; Lowman, Narrative, 52; John C. Shea, Reminiscences of Quantrell’s Raid (Kansas City, Mo.: Isaac P. Moore, 1879), 24.

  8. Richard Cordley, Pioneer Days in Kansas (Boston: Pilgrim, 1903), 179.

  9. R. G. Elliott, “The Quantrill Raid as Seen from the Eldridge House,” KHC 2 (1920): 188–89.

  10. Lowman, Narrative, 53–55.

  11. Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 2:1; Lowman, Narrative, 55; Shea, Reminiscences, 20.

  12. Shea, Reminiscences, 21; Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 1:17.

  13. Andreas, Kansas, 1:322; Kansas City Daily Journal Aug. 25, 1863.

  14. Lowman, Narrative, 50.

  15. Boston Daily Post, Sept. 2, 1863; Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Aug. 24, 1863; Lowman, Narrative, 57, 82; Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 1:17.

  16. Andreas, Kansas, 1:322.

  17. Mrs. R. C. Dix, “Quantrill’s Raid—An Eyewitness Account,” WHQ 1, no. 1 (May 1965): 8–11; New York Daily Times, Aug. 30, 1863; Elliott, “Quantrill Raid,” 194.

  18. Andreas, Kansas, 1:322; Elliott, “Quantrill Raid,” 188; Cordley, Lawrence, 211–12. />
  19. Andreas, Kansas, 1:322.

  20. Lowman, Narrative, 71–72.

  21. New York Daily Times, Sept. 4, 1863; John I. Speer, The Life of Gen. James H. Lane (Garden City, Kans.: John Speer, 1896), 265–66; Leavenworth Daily Times, Aug. 23, 1863.

  22. Andreas, Kansas, 1:322; New York Daily Times, Aug. 30, 1863; Leavenworth Daily Times, Aug. 23, 1863; Cordley, Lawrence, 212; Manhattan Independent, Sept. 28, 1863; Lowman, Narrative, 61–62; Douglas County Historical Society Files, box 5, folder 15, p. 3, Kansas Collection, Spencer Library, University of Kansas, Lawrence.

  23. Andreas, Kansas, 1:322.

  24. Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 1:67–71.

  25. Lowman, Narrative, 70.

  26. Andreas, Kansas, 1:323; Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS 1:73; Riggs, Pioneer Ancestors, 205.

  27. Elliott, “Quantrill Raid,” 191; Riggs, Pioneer Ancestors, 206; Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Aug. 24, 1863.

  28. Lowman, Narrative, 50–51, 82–84; Shea, Reminiscences, 4; Elliott, “Quantrill Raid,” 187.

  29. Fisher, The Gun and the Gospel, 185–93.

  30. Ibid., 186–87; Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 1:75.

  31. Andreas, Kansas, 1:322.

  32. Ibid., 323; Shea, Reminiscences, 23.

  33. Andreas, Kansas, 1:322; Lowman, Narrative, 88.

  34. Andreas, Kansas, 1:323; John Speer, “The Burning of Osceola, Mo., by Lane, and the Quantrill Massacre Contrasted,” KHC 6 (1897–1900): 311; John M. Peterson, ed., “Letters of Edward and Sarah Fitch, Lawrence, Kansas, 1855–1863, Part II,” Kansas History 12, no. 2 (Summer 1989): 96, 100.

  35. Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 1:57.

  36. Andreas, Kansas, 1:322–23; New York Daily Times, Sept. 4, 1863.

  37. Cordley, Lawrence, 224–26.

  38. Shea, Reminiscences, 11; Barnes, “An Editor Looks,” 147.

  39. Shea, Reminiscences, 16.

  40. Ibid., 17–19; Cordley, Lawrence, 217.

  41. Lowman, Narrative, 62–63.

  42. New York Daily Times, Sept. 4, 1863; Kansas City Daily Journal, Sept. 27, 1863; Fisher, The Gun and the Gospel, 194–98; Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Oct. 6, 1863.

  43. Ridenour, Autobiography, 167; Speer, “Burning of Osceola,” 311; Andreas, Kansas, 1:323.

  44. Speer, “Burning of Osceola,” 310–11; Andreas, Kansas, 1:323; Shea, Reminiscences, 7.

  45. Lowman, Narrative, 84.

  46. Lawrence Daily Journal-World, Aug. 21, 1924; Lowman, Narrative, 91; Shea, Reminiscences, 24.

  47. Cordley, Pioneer Days, 181–82.

  48. Bidlack, “Ladd’s Description,” 118.

  49. Douglas County Scrapbook, LKSHS, vol. 7, from Dodge City Globe, Mar. 29, 1939; Ridenour, Autobiography, 183–85.

  50. Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Aug. 24, 1863.

  51. Lowman, Narrative, 93; Cordley, Lawrence, 216.

  52. Lyon County Scrapbook, LKSHS, 4:275–76.

  53. Lowman, Narrative, 63.

  54. Elliott, “Quantrill Raid,” 183; Andreas, Kansas, 1:321; Barnes, “An Editor Looks,” 147.

  55. Cordley, Pioneer Days, 182–83; Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Oct. 6, 1863; Shea, Reminiscences, 21–22; Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 1:18; Lawrence Daily Journal-World, Aug. 21, 1924.

  56. Riggs, Pioneer Ancestors, 207–8: Elliott, “Quantrill Raid,” 191–92.

  57. Wyandotte Commercial Gazette, Sept. 12, 1863.

  58. Cordley, Lawrence, 239.

  59. Ibid., 234.

  60. Leavenworth Daily Times, Aug. 23, 1863; Shea, Reminiscences, 22; Lowman, Narrative, 90.

  61. Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 1:18, and 2:193; Junction City Smoky Hill and Republican Union, Aug. 29, 1863.

  62. Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 2:193; Riggs, Pioneer Ancestors, 209.

  63. Lowman, Narrative, 66–67.

  64. Elliott, “Quantrill Raid,” 196.

  65. Riggs, Pioneer Ancestors, 209; Elliott, “Quantrill Raid,” 193.

  66. Cordley, Lawrence, 228; Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 1:51.

  67. Cordley, Lawrence, 239.

  68. Douglas County Scrapbook, LKSHS, 4:19.

  8. The Heathen Are Come

  1. Andreas, Kansas, 1:323.

  2. Cordley, Lawrence, 239.

  3. New York Daily Times, Sept. 4, 1863.

  4. Quantrill Scrapbook, LKSHS, 1:19.

  5. Ridenour, Autobiography, 172; Connelley, Quantrill, 275.

  6. Genevieve Yost, “History of Lynchings in Kansas,” KHQ 2, no. 2 (May 1933): 187–88; Barnes, “An Editor Looks,” 144–45; New York Daily Times, Sept. 4, 1863.

  7. Shea, Reminiscences, 4, 22.

  8. Letter, F. L. Pilla to “Dear Brother,” Sept. 21, 1863, Kansas Collections, Spencer Library, University of Kansas, Lawrence.

  9. Andreas, Kansas, 1:323; Cordley, Lawrence, 240.

  10. Lawrence Daily Journal-World, Feb. 7, 1939.

  11. Horton, “Two Pioneer Kansas Merchants,” 602–6; Ridenour, Autobiography 166, 177, 183–85.

  12. Cordley, Lawrence, 241–42.

  13. Connelley, Quantrill, 387; Cordley, Lawrence, 240; Douglas County Scrapbook, LKSHS, 4:19; Peterson, “Letters of Edward and Sarah Fitch,” 97.

  14. Cordley, Lawrence, 218.

  15. Lawrence Daily Kansas Tribune, Apr. 30, 1864.

  16. Riggs, Pioneer Ancestors, 212.

  17. Lowman, Narrative, 67.

  18. Boston Daily Post, Aug. 31, 1863.

  19. Cordley, Lawrence, 248–49; Fisher, The Gun and the Gospel, 202–4.

  20. Bidlack, “Ladd’s Description,” 120; Alan Conway, ed., “The Sacking of Lawrence,” KHQ 24, no. 2 (Summer 1958): 150.

  9. The Chase

  1. OR, 22, 1:590.

  2. Connelley, Kansas, 2:640–42.

  3. OR, 22, 1:581, 585–87, 589; Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Aug. 27, 1863.

  4. OR, 22, 1:580; Connelley, Kansas, 2:641.

  5. OR, 22, 1:582.

  6. Leavenworth Daily Times, Aug. 27, 1863.

  7. Connelley, Kansas, 2:641; Kansas City Daily Journal, Aug. 26, 1863.

  8. Speer, Lane, 267; Garwood, Crossroads, 57; OR, 22, 1:592.

  9. OR, 22, 1:590; Kirke Mechem, “Letters of Julia Louisa Lovejoy, 1856–1864,” KHQ 16, no. 2 (1948): 195–96; Connelley, Kansas, 2:641.

  10. Castel, Quantrill, 137–38.

  11. Speer, Lane, 267–69; Connelley, Kansas, 2:641–42; OR, 22, 1:592, 589–90.

  12. Connelley, Kansas, 2:643; Speer, Lane, 268; OR, 22, 1:580, 590.

  13. OR, 22, 1:582.

  14. Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Aug. 22, 1863.

  15. OR, 22, 1:583; William E. Unrau, ed., “In Pursuit of Quantrill,” KHQ 39, no. 3 (Autumn 1973): 386.

  16. Blair, Johnson County, 224.

  17. Andreas, Kansas, 2:880; Connelley, Kansas, 2:643; OR, 22, 1:581.

  18. OR, 22, 1:585–87.

  19. Ibid.; Andreas, Kansas, 2:880; Connelley, Kansas, 2:643.

  20. Connelley, Kansas, 2:643; OR, 22, 1:592.

  21. OR, 22, 1:585–87; Connelley, Kansas, 2:643–44; Andreas, Kansas, 2:880.

  22. (Topeka) Kansas State Record, Sept. 2, 1863.

  23. OR, 22, 1:589.

  24. Ibid., 581–82.

  25. Council Grove Press, Sept. 14, 1863.

  26. OR, 22, 1:581–82.

  27. Andreas, Kansas, 2:880.

  28. Connelley, Kansas, 2:641, 644; OR, 22, 1:582; Unrau, “Pursuit,” 386.

  29. OR, 22, 1:582.

  30. Ibid., 581, 589.

  31. “J. A. Pike,” 312.

  32. OR, 22, 1:582; Unrau, “Pursuit,” 386–88; Leavenworth Daily Times, Aug. 27, 1863.

  33. (Topeka) Kansas State Record, Sept. 2, 1863; OR, 22, 1:582.

  34. OR, 22, 1:587–88, 591.

  35. Ibid., 586–87, 589.

  36. New York Daily Times, Sept. 4, 1863.

  37. Connelley, Quantrill, 418.

  10. This Savage War

  1. OR, 22, 1:576.

  2. Ibid., 580–81; Leavenworth Dail
y Times, Aug. 26, 1863; Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Aug. 28, 1863; Council Grove Press, Sept. 7, 1863.

  3. OR, 22, 1:576.

  4. Larkin, Bingham, 184; William E. Connelley, ed., “The Civil War Diary of John Howard Kitts,” KHC 14 (1915–18): 319.

  5. New York Daily Times, Aug. 27, 1863.

  6. OR, 22, 2:472–73.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Ibid.

  9. OR, 22, 1:584–85.

  10. Ibid., 584.

  11. Larkin, Bingham, 198–206.

  12. Barnes, “An Editor Looks,” 148.

  13. Cordley, Lawrence, 241.

  14. Barnes, “An Editor Looks,” 148; New York Daily Times, Sept. 4, 1863; Connelley, Kansas, 2:658.

  15. Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 27, 28, 1863.

  16. New York Daily Times, Sept. 6, 1863.

  17. Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Aug. 28, 1863; Barnes, “An Editor Looks,” 148–49; Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 31, 1863.

  18. OR, 22, 1:587–88; Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Sept. 25, 1863; Leavenworth Daily Times, Aug. 27, 1863.

  19. Leavenworth Daily Times, Aug. 28, 1863.

  20. New York Daily Times, Sept, 4, 13, 1863; (Topeka) Kansas State Record, Sept. 9, 1863.

  21. OR, 22, 2:490; History of Clay and Platte Counties, Missouri (St. Louis: National, 1885), 238–40.

  22. Letter, Thomas Ewing to Gov. Th. Carney, Aug. 27, 1863, Thomas Ewing, Jr., Papers, LKSHS; Schofield, Forty-six Years, 80–81.

  23. Leavenworth Daily Times, Aug. 26, 28, 1863.

  24. Barnes, “An Editor Looks,” 148–49.

  25. (Topeka) Kansas State Record, Sept. 2, 1863.

  26. Ridenour, Autobiography, 176, 179; Horton, “Two Pioneer Kansas Merchants,” 606–7.

  27. New York Daily Times, Aug. 31, 1863.

  28. Ibid., Sept. 6, 1863.

  29. Schofield, Forty-six Years, 80–82; New York Daily Times, Sept. 9, 1863; OR, 22, 1:573–74.

  30. Schofield, Forty-six Years, 81; Leavenworth Daily Times, Sept. 3, 1863.

  31. Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Sept. 5, 1863.

  32. New York Daily Times, Sept. 16, 1863; Leavenworth Daily Conservative, Sept. 11, 1863.

  33. Larkin, Bingham, 210–11, 217; Martin Rice, Rural Rhymes, and Talks and Tales of Olden Times (Kansas City, Mo., 1882), 117; Kansas City Weekly Journal, Sept. 19, 1863.

  34. Charleston Daily Mercury, Oct. 17, 1863.

  35. Garwood, Crossroads, 74; Larkin, Bingham, 221.

  36. Larkin, Bingham, 215–16; Rice, Rural Rhymes, 117–19; Clay and Platte Counties, 238; Castel, Quantrill, 145–46.

  37. Niepman, “General Orders No. 11,” 202.